Daddy gay sex comics

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This Father's Day gift guide includes a few of the most bizarre gifts for your dad, and is sure to have you raising an eyebrow.Īny dads who are looking for some relaxation this Father's Day might appreciate the $599 Therabody Theragun massager, which is The list is also divided into three sections, 'Chef's Kiss, 'In Pursuit of a Different Kind of Dad Bod,' and 'The Sharpest Tool in the Shed.'

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While the 58-item list has some traditional gift suggestions, like button downs and tech items, it's also includes two over $100 vibrating rings and a $200 penile masturbation device made to give partners the 'best sex.' 'But rather than reinvent this wheel, we decided it would be more fun to Goop the s**t out of it.'

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The 49-year-old actress's website offered a unique variety of gifts, claiming that the items help to say 'thank you' to every man in your life, saying: 'Dads, brothers, uncles, boyfriends, and husbands have not seen much in the way of innovation. Gwyneth Paltrow's website Goop has taken Father's Day to the next level, unveiling an extravagant and rather raunchy Father's Day gift guide, that includes everything from a $10,000 watch to a variety of male sex toys, which are described as 'guy-pleasers'.

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