Body contact gay definition

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Het­ero­sex­u­al and cis­gen­der peo­ple can be allies, as well as indi­vid­u­als from with­in the LGBTQ community. Allyĭescribes a per­son who sup­ports, both pub­licly and pri­vate­ly, the LGBTQ com­mu­ni­ty and equal­i­ty in its many forms. Some agen­der indi­vid­u­als see them­selves as gen­der­less, while oth­ers see them­selves as gen­der neutral. Sex­u­al and Gen­der Iden­ti­ty Terms to Know Agen­derĭescribes a per­son who does not iden­ti­fy as male or female or some com­bi­na­tion of male and female. This post defines some com­mon terms - and pro­motes the use of accu­rate, authen­tic and inclu­sive lan­guage - so that social work­ers, edu­ca­tors, fos­ter par­ents and oth­ers are bet­ter equipped to sup­port LGBTQ youth, serve as their advo­cates and help them thrive. LGBTQ youth are also over­rep­re­sent­ed in the child wel­fare and juve­nile jus­tice sys­tems and more like­ly to drop out of school than their fel­low classmates. Young peo­ple in the LGBTQ com­mu­ni­ty face high­er rates of rejec­tion, vio­lence, sui­cide and home­less­ness when com­pared to their gen­er­al pop­u­la­tion peers. Grow­ing up iden­ti­fy­ing as les­bian, gay, bisex­u­al, trans­gen­der, queer or ques­tion­ing ( LGBTQ) is even hard­er, accord­ing to nation­al data.

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